COVID-19 Letter from our President

Sunday March 15, 2020

As COVID-19 (coronavirus) continues to make headlines both here in BC and around the world our hearts go out to those affected. We want everyone to know that we care about your health and safety above all else.

We are closely following the direction and recommendations of our governing bodies the CLA and the BCLA. Being an amateur community sport, we understand the concerns raised, especially considering the rising number of postponed events, programs and closed education institutions throughout the province and country. With the ongoing developments, daily news updates related to COVID-19, and the concerns that people are sharing over transmission, it’s important that we all work together to prevent and eradicate it as quickly as possible.

Although the government of BC, and the Public Health Agency of Canada maintains that the risk associated with contacting COVID-19 is low for Canadian citizens, the situation remains fluid and could change day to day. As of today we have made the difficult decision to direct our coaches, parents, players, officials, executive board to postpone all sanctioned in-person lacrosse activities (tryouts, scrimmages, practices, training sessions, games, meetings etc) effective immediately, until April 5th, at which time the CLA will reevaluate the situation. We understand some teams have yet to be formed, and will have to be put on hold. We will continue to prepare for the upcoming season while monitoring the situation. For lacrosse updates, we encourage you to visit www.bclacrosse.com and

For information and updates on COVID-19 please visit

We are grateful for your understanding, and your desire to begin the 2020 lacrosse season as soon as it is safe to do so.

Keep your sticks in you hands enjoy the 3 outdoor lacrosse boxes we are fortunate to have in Port Coquitlam. The Port Coquitlam Saints family will get through this, and we will be back soon!

Yours in lacrosse,

Josh Wahl
President, PCMLA